At pass4me we will help and advise you with the theory test, we also have the theory test discs that we loan to students free so that you can practice at home. Before you will be able to take a practical test you will have to take and pass a theory test, there are two parts to the theory test which are; multiple choice questions & hazard perception. The full test is done on a computer and will be examination standards.

You will be required to answer 50 multiple choice questions, some questions may require more than one answer. Below are example of questions that you may be asked.

What is the meaning of this sign?

  • No entry
  • National speed limit applies
  • No parking
  • No stopping

What is the meaning of this sign?

  • School crossing patrol ahead
  • No pedestrians allowed
  • Pedestrian zone – no vehicles allowed
  • Footpath ahead

Which of the following should you do before stopping? (mark ONE answer)

  • Sound the horn
  • Use the mirrors
  • Select a higher gear
  • Flash your headlights

Hazard Perception

The hazard perception part of the test is a series of 14 short video clips, lasting approximately 1 minute, you will be required to click the mouse button each time you see the hazard, 13 of the clips there will be 1 hazard and 1 of the clips will have 2 hazards so you must be paying attention at all time during the test. The quicker you spot the hazard the more points you get you must achieve 44 points out of a possible 75.

If you pass one part of the theory test but fail the other part you will have to resist the full theory test again so before you book please make sure you’re test ready.

At pass4me we will help and advise you with the theory test, we also have the theory test discs that we loan to students free so that you can practice at home. Before you will be able to take a practical test you will have to take and pass a theory test, there are two parts to the theory test which are; multiple choice questions & hazard perception. The full test is done on a computer and will be examination standards.

You will be required to answer 50 multiple choice questions, some questions may require more than one answer. Below are example of questions that you may be asked.

What is the meaning of this sign?

  • No entry
  • National speed limit applies
  • No parking
  • No stopping

What is the meaning of this sign?

  • School crossing patrol ahead
  • No pedestrians allowed
  • Pedestrian zone – no vehicles allowed
  • Footpath ahead

Which of the following should you do before stopping? (mark ONE answer)

  • Sound the horn
  • Use the mirrors
  • Select a higher gear
  • Flash your headlights

Hazard Perception

The hazard perception part of the test is a series of 14 short video clips, lasting approximately 1 minute, you will be required to click the mouse button each time you see the hazard, 13 of the clips there will be 1 hazard and 1 of the clips will have 2 hazards so you must be paying attention at all time during the test. The quicker you spot the hazard the more points you get you must achieve 44 points out of a possible 75.

If you pass one part of the theory test but fail the other part you will have to resist the full theory test again so before you book please make sure you’re test ready.

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